Tips For A Less Stressful And Cheaper Divorce

Law Blog

Divorcing your spouse is always a challenging and stressful time. The good news is that there are some things that you can do to lower the financial stresses during this difficult time.

Follow these tips to save stress and money during your divorce case:

Maximize Your Attorney Appointment Time

Since you will be paying your attorney by the hour, make sure that you maximize the time that you spend with your attorney. Come to all of your meetings a few minutes early and make sure that you have everything necessary for your attorney to answer any questions you may have. For example, if you have been served a summons for court, then you should bring it to your meeting just in case your attorney doesn't have a readily available copy. This will save time and it will save you money.

Additionally, when booking your appointments, you should always ask your attorney's secretary what you should bring to your appointment.

Retain the Same Attorney as Your Spouse or Two Who Work Together Often

If you and your spouse agree that dissolving your marriage is the best solution for you both, then you should consider retaining just one attorney. Utilizing one attorney will generally result in much less cost for both of you. This works well if you and your spouse are in agreement about how to split your assets and address issues such as child support and alimony.

If you and your spouse do not agree about any major issues in your divorce and do not want to use the same divorce lawyer, then you should both choose attorneys who often work together. Lawyers who are very familiar with each other will save both you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse money, because they will have a much easier time reaching each other and communicating well.

Only Speak to Your Attorney When Necessary for Your Divorce Case

Finally, since your divorce is stressful and full of emotion, it is easy to sit and talk to your attorney as if they are your therapist. To avoid high-cost legal bills generated by venting your frustration about your ex-spouse, try to remember to stick to the legal aspects of your divorce when in the presence of your divorce attorney. And, when you call the office for an update on your case or to ask a simple question, always talk to the secretary if possible because they will bill you at a much lower rate than if your attorney takes their time to speak to you.

For professional legal help, contact an attorney such as Craig H. Lane, PC.


10 September 2015

Do You Understand The Law?

When it comes to your personal rights, how much do you really understand the law. About ten years ago, I realized that I didn't really understand my rights when I was accused of something that I knew I didn't do. I could tell that I needed to work with a lawyer who had a better understanding of what I was up against, so I contacted a local team that could help. They were really incredible to work with, and I was impressed with how well they were able to fight the charges. This blog is here for anyone struggling with legal drama.