When you're dealing with an animal bite, accident or some other event that has caused injury, it's understandable that not only are you injured, but are upset about the situation. You might have had to miss work and incur medical expenses. Suing someone, for personal injury reasons, and hoping for a helpful settlement might be a natural decision, but making mistakes could jeopardize your efforts. What is best to avoid?
28 June 2019
When people commit crimes, there are laws in place to prevent them from profiting from the acts. Typically this means taking any money or property the person acquired as a result of the criminal act. In some states, however, this also includes any money the person may make from avenues that aren't directly connected to the crime. Here's more information about this issue and how you can capture profits from a criminal who hurt you.
22 August 2016
Whether they know it or know, every new business has countless legal needs. Unfortunately, when the budget is tight, these legal needs often go neglected. A general counsel service can give your business an affordable way to access an attorney without breaking your budget. What Legal Problems Can a New Business Face? Virtually everything a business does from the start is a legal problem. When you register as a corporation or LLC, the paperwork must be filed properly or you might risk losing the corporate shield that protects your personal assets from being seized to pay business debts.
27 January 2016
You might have thought that a threat is protected under the First Amendment. However, there are some threats that are not protected under free speech and can instead lead to penalties for the individual making the threat, including jail time. What Constitutes a Threat In some states, a threat can be as little as a physical gesture. In other states, the threat must be communicated orally or in written form. It must be clear that the individual had the intention of intimidating you.
6 August 2015
A car accident can be scary and stressful, and if you are injured it may take weeks, months, or even years to fully recover, depending on the severity of your injuries. Unfortunately, a number of people choose to drive while under the influence of alcohol, which is very dangerous for everyone on the road. If you are injured in a car accident and the other driver was driving under the influence, take the following steps:
6 July 2015
Taking medication can be dangerous if incorrectly prescribed, especially for small children. If you lost a child due to a physician prescribing the wrong prescription, you may be able to sue for wrongful death. Below, learn how a physician can be held liable if medical malpractice is found to be the cause of your child's death. How Can a Physician Be Held Liable for a Child's Death? The health condition you child was being treated for will be the focal point of a wrongful death lawsuit.
28 January 2015