Gain Control Of Your Financial Situation After Being Faced With Debt

Law Blog

If you accumulated a lot of credit card debt over the last few years and would like to gain control of your financial situation, the following tips can be helpful. Once you have practiced healthy saving and spending habits, you may feel more in control of your finances and optimistic about saving money for a rainy day in the near future. Meet With A Credit Specialist Or Bankruptcy Attorney A credit specialist or bankruptcy attorney like Gilbert P Kaback will look over the bills that you have accumulated and can offer advice that will help you take control of the debts.

19 December 2016

Being Careful When You Purchase A Bail Bond

Law Blog

Learning that a relative or friend has been arrested for a serious crime can strike confusion and fear into your heart. You might spring into action, seeking out the amount of their bail and figuring out how to cover those costs. Bail bondsmen can help you to take care of this, but in your haste you could overlook some issues that could mean financial trouble and other problems for you. The advice that follows can help you to be careful and considerate when purchasing a bail bond.

7 November 2016

The Benefits Of Hiring An Attorney When Going Through A Divorce

Law Blog

Going through a divorce can test even the strongest person's resolve.  The emotions that are stirred up, combined with the end of what may have once been a very beautiful relationship, can be quite devastating.  If you're going through a divorce, you may think that you can handle it on your own.  However, it may be very worthwhile for you to hire an attorney.  Use this information to learn more about why you should obtain a lawyer when you're getting a divorce.

7 November 2016

3 Ways To Get Your Disability Insurance Claim Approved Faster

Law Blog

Disability insurance is protection you pay for that allows you to have coverage and the "income" you need should you become unable to work. A claim can be made if you find yourself unable to work due to physical injury, surgery, illness, or even mental issues, including depression. The funds you receive on a long or short-term basis allow you to take care of your family, pay medical bills, and have the money you need to thrive until you are able to work again.

19 October 2016

2 Ways an Open Adoption Can Provide Your Child with a Deeper Sense of Their Own Life

Law Blog

When you choose an open adoption, you are not just allowing the birth parents to be a part of your child's life; you are also allowing your child to have a deeper sense of their own life story. Here are two ways that an open adoption can help your child as they develop their sense of self. #1: Adoption Story Most children who are adopted through a closed adoption process grow up only knowing one side of their adoption story.

28 September 2016

When You're Stuck In Jail: How You Can Afford Bail Using A Bail Bond Service

Law Blog

If you have been charged with a crime and you are waiting in jail because you can't afford bail, you have choices. When you aren't able to come up with the cash on your own, you can use a bail bond service that will pay your bail for a fee. In general, the fee is 10% of your total bail, and you do not get the 10% back once your case is settled.

9 September 2016

Why You May Want To Hire A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Law Blog

When you have been in a motorcycle accident, there are likely a myriad of thoughts going through your head. While you are likely most grateful that you are alive and able to even think about the situation, there are some serious implications that you need to consider and legal matters to attend to. Because of this, you may be debating whether or not to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer to help you deal with your accident.

29 August 2016

Using Son Of Sam Laws To Collect Cash From Criminals


When people commit crimes, there are laws in place to prevent them from profiting from the acts. Typically this means taking any money or property the person acquired as a result of the criminal act. In some states, however, this also includes any money the person may make from avenues that aren't directly connected to the crime. Here's more information about this issue and how you can capture profits from a criminal who hurt you.

22 August 2016

Help! Can You Get Child Support From Someone In Another Country?

Law Blog

You've split from your partner and now they've moved to another country. Does this mean you won't see a penny of child support? Is it possible for them to completely avoid the payment or can you do something about it? Here is all you need to know about child support when parents are in different countries. It Depends on the Country the Other Parent Is In Don't lose hope yet. The enforcement of the agreement will depend on the country your ex-spouse has moved to.

2 August 2016

What To Do If You Are Not Being Paid For All Of The Hours That You Are Working

Law Blog

If you're an hourly employee, the process of working and getting paid is supposed to be simple. You might expect that you will clock in on a time clock or that you will sign in on a sign in sheet, and you might assume that you will automatically be paid for all of the hours that you have worked. However, sometimes it just is not that simple. Some employers attempt to get over on their employees by "

19 July 2016